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Myofascial Length Testing:Practical Assessment Tools for the Myofascial Therapist Volume 1

myofasciallengthtestingvol1-bookeBook by Donna F. Bajelis, PT SMS CHP and Ivan Duben, BCSI SMS

The result of decades of dedication to the blending of Physical Therapy and Structural Integration, this text explores how fascial work impacts range of motion, and explains how to test before and after treatment to measure results in a reproducible manner and thereby monitor patient progress. By using these tests, fascial therapists will be able to discover exactly which part of which myofascial line requires release, and better understand how fascial tension affects posture and biomechanics. Tests cover the superficial flexor fascia, superficial extensor fascia, lateral fascia, gracillis, sartorius, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis. 55 pages. Download sample.

eBook: $50
Once payment is received, we’ll email the book to you within 3 business days. If you don’t receive it or have any problems, please call Donna at (206) 713-9758.

Myofascial Length Testing DVD Vol. 1

The Institute of Structural Medicine presents its first DVD volume of Myofascial Length Testing (MFLT). This DVD shows detailed instruction on how to perform myofascial length testing on over 50 muscles. MFLTTM is an innovative diagnostic tool created by Donna Bajelis in order to customize treatment for clients. Each test is performed twice on the DVD; first with instructional dialogue and second as a quicker run through.

DVD: $100
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DVD Cover

Healthy Self

healthy-self-paul-chhabraHardcover Book by Dr. Paul Chhabra

Improve your immune system and improve your life. Breakthrough philosophy on health and well-being from Dr. Paul Chhabra.

Hardcover Book: $22.95
applicable tax and shipping is additional

Book Cover